In Brief...

What:  Paragraph Formatting

Why:  Allows you to set various formatting options for a selected paragraph

Where:  Format / Paragraph...

How:  Place your cursor in a paragraph, select paragraph formatting, choose options


 Series 5 Basic Class - Self-Paced Modules

Paragraph Formatting

What is paragraph formatting?

The Paragraph dialog box allows you to configure a number of settings for a paragraph. From this tab you can complete basic paragraph formatting, such as paragraph aligment, indentation and spacing.

Formatting a paragraph

Let's create a paragraph and see how we can format it.

  1. Create a new, blank publication.
  2. Click in the document. You should see the blinking cursor at the top left of the page.
  3. Type Dear Customer, .
  4. Hit the return key
  5. Click anywhere in the Dear Customer paragraph.

  1. From the main menu select Format/ Paragraph.

Paragraph Tab

Note the various options you have to modify the look of the paragraph. You can choose text alignment, indentation, and line spacing in a format very similar to many other text formatting software packages.

Tabs Tab

Note that you can create tabs in this window. You can set different tab sets for different paragraphs. Learn more about tabs here.

Widow / Orphan Tab

This window allows you to modify how text wraps to a new page. You will learn about this in more detail in the DOC1 online basic class.

Numbering / Bullets Tab

In this window you can select the type of number or bullet format you wish.

Show When Tab

This is a specialized tab that allows you to place a "show when" condition on the selected paragraph. You will learn more about this in the DOC1 online class.