In Brief...

What:  Tabs

Why:  Allows you to create tabs

Where:  Format / Tabs...

How:  Click in the paragraph you wish to add tabs to, go to tab formatting, select options


 Series 5 Basic Class - Self-Paced Modules


What are tabs?

Tab stops are used to indent text in a consistent manner. Using tab stops allows for more control
over the physical formatting of your document. Any number of tab stops can be set in a

Creating tabs

  1. Create a new, blank publication.
  2. Click in the document. You should see the blinking cursor at the top left of the page.
  3. From the main meun, select Format / Tabs.

  1. Set Tab stops, Position: 2 in.
  2. Click, Add.
  3. Set Tab stops, Position: 5 in.
  4. Click the Dot leaders checkbox.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Type, Region.
  7. Press Tab.
  8. Type USA.
  9. Press Tab.
  10. Type Southern Region.